Hey There. We are MDV, a security research group based in Turkey. We started this adventure in early 2016, and now we feel that it’s our turn to proudly contribute to this community, whence we’ve been learning a lot.
All of our team members are working in security & development related roles.
The list of stuff we’re interested in includes; web application security, network security, reverse engineering, forensics, malicious software.
We hope to publish interesting materials, which we hope will be useful to both infosec veterans and newbies.
- Fatih Erdoğan
low level, malware, reversing - Hamit Abiş
av hacker, malware, low level, websec - Murat Yılmazlar
jack of all trades master of none, sefir - Robin Dimyanoğlu
low level, malware - Ramazan Uysal
low level, websec - Mücahit Emin Karadağ
network - Emrah Demir
unix & android internals, pwn, low level - Büşra Yenidoğan
reversing, low level
inactive members
- Cem Onat Karagun
- Ahmet Kotan